Schlagwort-Archive: Lucie Lynch

11# Interview with Lucie Lynch – Loving the good life in Hawaii

Here comes the interview with Lucie Lynch, a successful great singer, musician and song writer. She is German, travelled for more than five years around the world and followed an inner voice who told her to come to America. Now she lives since 4 years in Honolulu, Hawaii.  


Hawaii is her home, although she loves to travel. It was not always an easy road, but more a soul calling, a true calling, and so Lucie says and agrees, this is the best road to follow. Experienced in travelling, we talk about the importance to follow our intuition, but also what we´ve learned from living abroad.

You need boldness, to follow your heart, because you step into the unknown. This way is also adventurous and authentic, and this is what more people dream of. Weiterlesen