Schlagwort-Archive: Yielding

How To Talk To Men Advanced – Yielding


What is Yielding? Yielding is dancing. It is giving the other person their way by giving in. Normally we have a picture in our mind, how our life or relationship should be. Often our mind is driven by the ego and driven by a false desire. The mind always wants to be right and then we start to fight.

How To Talk To Men Advanced – When we yield we experience mastery

This power is not coming from our head. Its coming from our belly, where our true desire makes its own decision. Yielding means not giving up. By yielding we expand our power in a serene way. We let go the other person, and the energy is coming back to us.
It´s like practising Tai Chi: we step back, and the energy is following us.

How To Talk To Men Advanced – Yielding

Do you want to fight and be right or do you want to be happy and rich?

Join us for practising Yielding.
