Archiv der Kategorie: Relationship Coaching

{:en}Happy relationships – seminar for women{:}


In this course we will get some insides about the vague, distorted stories women both tell and hear about men, but also the hurt feelings we carry around and which lead us to develop opinions which make us shortsighted and critical.

In order to see the other person’s brilliance, we need to be able just to observe – not judge. Fortunately, there are some tools we can use to improve and adjust our vision. This new way of seeing does more than just make our surroundings and relationships more vivid. It makes it possible for us to meet the men we really want to attract into our lives and at the same time raise our daily energy. Weiterlesen



Playfulness is innocent. It gives us a chance to really taste life. Children and animals play naturally. Playing is in the rhythm of our bodies and in our DNA.

Most adults have forgotten how to play. As soon as they start to play, they’re already thinking about the outcome of the game. Instead of playing, they fight, or they live in their ideas and memories.

But it’s possible to turn a fight into a game – or to create a new game. The important thing to remember is that only when you’re happy can you make other people happy.

So how should we play? A lot of women might prefer dancing, while many men prefer sports. But we have the option to create games that bring men and women together.
So let’s schedule them. What kind of games do you like?

Come and discover your playfulness!


How To Talk To Men – Observation

Portrait of young womanWhen animals look at both their surroundings and at human beings, they have a clear idea of what’s in front of them. They see, feel and smell the emotions of living beings, so they know how to react. They just observe – they don’t judge. Few people have this kind of freedom, the kind that enables them to look at other people without having an opinion.

We mostly wear metaphorical glasses that are not our own. This is especially true when it comes to the vague, distorted stories women both tell and hear about men. Our hurt feelings lead us to develop biased opinions that make us shortsighted and critical. We never really get connected and therefore never get to know the other person’s brilliance, all because we refuse to remove our distorted glasses.

The glasses we need are not glasses you can buy in a shop. Fortunately, there are some tools we can use to improve and adjust our vision. Just as animals have the ability to be quiet and highly aware at the same time, we too can look at other people as they really are. It only takes a few simple steps to lay aside our egos. This new way of seeing does more than just make our surroundings and relationships more vivid. It makes it possible for us to meet the men we really want to attract into our lives.

In my ‘How To Talk To Men’ course, we practice the tools for observing people clearly and saying what we see without judgement. These tools are easy to learn, but they require the willingness to see things as they really are. This type of vision is not a superficial form of observation but more like learning to examine the field that surrounds our human bodies.
So join us for the next ‘How To Talk To Men’ class, where you can meet and connect with other women and enjoy new insights about life and men.

Looking forward to meeting you!


How To Talk To Men Advanced – Yielding


What is Yielding? Yielding is dancing. It is giving the other person their way by giving in. Normally we have a picture in our mind, how our life or relationship should be. Often our mind is driven by the ego and driven by a false desire. The mind always wants to be right and then we start to fight.

How To Talk To Men Advanced – When we yield we experience mastery

This power is not coming from our head. Its coming from our belly, where our true desire makes its own decision. Yielding means not giving up. By yielding we expand our power in a serene way. We let go the other person, and the energy is coming back to us.
It´s like practising Tai Chi: we step back, and the energy is following us.

How To Talk To Men Advanced – Yielding

Do you want to fight and be right or do you want to be happy and rich?

Join us for practising Yielding.


Acknowledging Love


Have you ever been in love? So you know this sweet feeling which brings you to heaven. Once as a baby you knew that you love fully and you were fully loveable. There is no right or wrong. Life seems happy and we are in a flow of giving and receiving.

But you also might know the feeling of a broken heart or when things don´t turn out like you wish. A broken heart is a broken life. Sadness is coming up and we would like to deny what we appreciated in earlier times so much.

We have to acknowledge our pain. Behind there is love. Sometimes pain is the salt in the soup to bring up locked energy. Acknowledgement means loving ourselves first. What do you want? Acknowledge your dreams.

By this powerful tool Acknowledgement we relieve our pain and we are able to see what we achieve and want but also what men effort in our life for us. Acknowledgement gives us serenity.

Practice this powerful tool acknowledgement every day by looking in the mirror and telling you 3 things you are proud of and you achieved! You also can tell yourself that you are stunningly looking good today.
Not only dogs and animals, but also your surrounding will be happy for an acknowledgement.
