Schlagwort-Archive: Perfectionism

{:en}My new blog on Huffington Post UK: Fatal Perfectionism or From Fear to Love{:}{:de}My new blog on Huffington Post UK: Fatal Perfectionism or From Fear to Love{:}


Are you familiar with that feeling? You start a new project, you would like to move to a different place, make an important phone call – and then suddenly it happens: the fear paralyzes you. You don´t reach out to the receiver, you stay there to live where you are – in other words – you give up?

Anna Roth_From Fear to Love

The fundamental motivation behind this is changing, and this creates in some people fear rather than joy for the upcoming adventure. No wonder, we humans have had negative experiences with shifts or adventures. So we prefer to stay in the situation, which we already know, rather than to go along with the unknown. Weiterlesen