Schlagwort-Archive: Huffington Post

Lilith – the dark moon goddess in astrology

There are different descriptions and images about Lilith, the dark moon goddess. Her energy is difficult to integrate and is associated with an idiosyncratic, uncontrollable, feminine vitality.

This fact fascinates me and has led me to swing again my paint brush; because I feel this force in me and look forward to give it a creative expression. Here is my first Lilith.

Read more of my new blog on Huffington Post about Lilith

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{:de}My new blog on Huffington Post: The most important relationship in life is…{:}{:en}My new blog on Huffington Post: The most important relationship in life is…{:}


Are you in your heart? Just when a relationship comes to an end, it makes room for a new one. A new relationship with yourself, the people who will accompany you in the future, a new relationship with your true calling is coming. You can discover your potential and your desires.

It’s best to experience this with like-minded people and the heart sings, when you live at the right place. Alone you make small steps, with people you like and are able to create projects, big steps. My first mentor often said, „If you want to work hard for little money, you just have to work alone“. Weiterlesen

my blog on Huffington Post

What an exciting week!!! 

Arianna Huffington personally made it possible for me to be an official blogger for Huffington Post. I have the credit from April 2014 on to blog about my coaching work and every tool which increases the daily energy to a high positive level.

Thank you so much, Arianna!!


Here is my first article in which I talk about the book of Arianna Huffington and what means it for me to create a Third Metric.

Redefining Success – How to Create a Happy and Successful Life

Arianna Huffington’s book Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder spoke to my heart. I also believe it’s time we took greater care to observe the many wonders in our daily lives that we too often take for granted.

First of all, it’s very important to know what we love to do. Everybody has a special talent, and I believe this talent, which I also call energy, is there for a purpose…read more on Huffington Post.

Here you can choose of my complete blog on Huffington Post.
